For some data selections, you can now adjust the percent base from the default total population to other possible subsets. This feature is particularly useful for mapping the percentage of certain categorical variables against a smaller base.
For example, if you’d like to calculate the percentage of African Americans among only the non-Hispanic or Latino population, or the percentage of the total population in the armed forces among the total labor force.
Here’s how to change the variable percent base from the default to the smaller subset that you’re interested in.
1. Click the Map Legend
2. In the top right corner of the map legend box, you'll see three dots. Click on these dots to open a menu of options.
3. From the menu that appears, select the option that has the (%) sign. This will change the values displayed in the legend from absolute numbers to percentages.
Note: Some variables will not have all three data visualization options available because of the nature of the data. Head over to this guide to learn more about data visualization types. |
Note: Bubble maps have the ability to display multiple pieces of information in a single visualization. Click here to learn how to show percentages on bubble maps. |