With our updated, multifunctional, and easy-to-use Reports tool, creating reports has never been simpler. First, you’ll be able to choose all of the parameters for your report. Next, you’ll be able to modify, download, and share your newly created report while in a table view.
We’ve also added a range of new functionalities, including:
- Changing survey years while keeping your preselected geographies and tables.
- Exploring change-over-time data.
- A new citation tool for referencing your reports.
Create a Report
To create a data report using our new Reports tool, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Tables page on your Social Explorer dashboard and click Create Report.
On the Create report page, choose the survey or year you’re interested in. We've also added a search bar to help you find the survey you need easily.
From the Select geographies dropdown, click on +Add geographies by type or use the search bar to select the geographies for your report.
Once you’ve selected your geographies, click Add.
Note: Adding geographies through FIPS codes has also been upgraded for a seamless experience. To add geographies by FIPS codes, select geographic type from the dropdown menu and then enter the corresponding FIPS codes.
Click Next to navigate to the next page.
From the Select tables dropdown, use the search bar to select your tables. -For certain surveys, we have included both the original, unabridged dataset as well as the dataset we preprocessed with the most popular variables. You can choose which dataset you'd like to use for your reports by choosing the most suitable option in the Select dataset tab.-
Choose your desired dataset to access the data tables and select the ones you want to include in your report. Once done, click Add.
Once you have chosen all of your specifications, click Create report.
Note: We’ve also updated our premade reports so that you can see which tables are part of a particular report. You can use premade reports as a bundle selection and then remove or add additional tables for your report. |
Save a Report
After you’ve created a report, click Save as in the top-right corner to save it.
Type in the title and description of the report and hit Save.
You can access all of your saved reports by heading over to the My Projects tab on your dashboard.
Tip: You can access all of your saved reports in the My Projects tab. |
Create a Template
You can now create and save custom-made templates to your Social Explorer account. With this feature, you no longer have to reselect tables every time you create a report.
To create a template from your current report, click on More options in the report header.
Click Save list of tables to save your template.
Note: Your saved template will only allow you to modify the year across comparable survey years and geographies. |
Tip: You can access all of your saved reports in the My Projects tab. |
Modify a Report
Switch or Compare Years
You can switch between years available for your selected table or compare up to 3 years in one report.
Click on the Modify Report icon.
Click on the Survey year dropdown to switch the year or select multiple years for comparison.
Click Apply.
A new screen will show you the percentage of geographies and tables that match your selected years. Click Confirm to continue.
Your report will now display data for your selected year(s). Note that some geographies and tables may be missing for certain years due to insufficient data. These will appear blank in your report.
Modify Geography and Table Selection
You can also modify your table and geography selections while viewing your created report.
Click the Modify Report icon in the Tables or Geographies tab to make changes.
Use the toolbar to customize the number of tables or geographies displayed in your report.
Viewing Totals
- Totals are aggregated by geography level.
- You can show or hide the Totals column or only display the cumulative total in your report.
For more details on how Social Explorer calculates medians in aggregate data, click here.
Adjust $ Values for Inflation
You can adjust the dollar value for inflation before downloading the report. This functionality is available for money-related data, such as:
- Income
- Median home value
- Gross rent
For more details on inflation adjustments, click here.
Download Your Report
Social Explorer allows you to download reports in multiple formats:
- Excel
Download to Excel
- Click the
- Click Download Excel to save your report.
Download a CSV File
- Click the
- Set your output options from the Download options dropdown. For instance, you can check the box next to 'Output ALL geographic identifiers' in order to download the geography labels.
- Once you’ve selected your options, click Download.
To download data for SAS, SPSS, or STATA, scroll down to the Download programs to import and label data menu.
Share a Report
- Click on the Share icon.
slika - Click Copy link to share your report.
Note: Each report generates a unique Report URL, which is permanently saved and can be shared. You can also copy it from your browser’s URL address bar. |
View Documentation and Data Dictionary
To help you better understand the data, Social Explorer provides a Data Dictionary with detailed documentation.
- Click on the
button in the right-hand menu.
- The Info tab displays information regarding the data source and notes.
- Click on Documentation to access additional details, or select Data Dictionary to view all variables, sources, and technical documentation.
Use the Citation Tool
When referencing Social Explorer maps or reports in research papers, you can automatically generate citations in the following formats:
- The Chicago Manual of Style
- Modern Language Association (MLA)
- American Psychological Association (APA)
Tip: To learn how to cite Social Explorer reports, click here. |